Here you have it, folks. Just a couple of noteworthy horror films being release over the next few months. I'll try my best to review all of these films as they are released.

Dream House - September 30th
Daniel Craig is one of my favorite actors, so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing him in this horror/psychological thriller film at the end of the month. As revealed in the trailer, Dream House tells the story of a family who moves into a house with a dark past, however, we soon discover that the "family" is all in Daniel Craig's mind and that he was allegedly the one who killed them, however, he knows it wasn't him and is determined to find out the mystery behind the Dream House. This film has a very Shutter Island type of feel and will hopefully deliver.
The Thing - October 14th
Now, let me be very clear, the reason this is on the list of "notable" movies is because I urge you all to note its presence and never see it. John Carpenter's The Thing is one of the greatest horror films ever made, and does NOT need to be remade or changed in anyway, it was perfection. I had originally heard that this version was a prequel to John Carpenter's film, which I assumed was a choice made by someone with severe brain damage. However it now appears to be some shitty remake that replaces Kurt Russell with Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim vs the World. Just don't see it.
Paranormal Activity 3 - October 21st
Although not my favorite horror series out there, I'll give Paranormal Activity 3 a little bit of credit because at least the series isn't a remake or adaptation. I also give it credit for scaring the shit out of A LOT of people, which is something very few films actually do anymore. This third film in the series is apparently a prequel to the first and second film, which will tell the story of how the evil entity made its way into the life of a seemingly innocent family. Much like the other films, it is also filmed in a "found footage" style, similar to The Blair Witch Project.
Piranha 3DD - November 23rd
The reason that I like movies like Piranha 3D and Shark Night 3D is because they're bringing back that old, Roger Corman, drive-in movie feel, which is something I enjoy. This sequel to last year's cheese-fest is about the vicious fish taking over a water park.
The Innkeepers - December 30th (VOD)
Although only a VOD (Video On-Demand) release, The Innkeepers is a movie I've been looking forward to seeing for quite a while. Ti West (House of the Devil) directs this horror film about the last 2 employees left on the last night of a haunted hotel's business. Not much has been released about this movie, but I do like Ti West and the overall concept sounds both promising and original.
The Grey - January 27th
Liam Neeson stars in this horror film about a group of plane crash survivors in the tundra being hunted by vicious wolves. As we saw in films such as Frozen, wolves can be some nasty creatures when they get hungry. Liam Neeson is a great actor and this films looks pretty good from the trailer I've seen.
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