Chillerama: Bringing The Drive-In To Your Living Room
The most outrageous horror film you've ever seen
The Devil Inside
The first horror film of the new year is this found-footage film about demonic possession and exorcism
The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence
The sequel to one of the most talked about horror films in recent years doesn't fail to live up to the hype
Cold-Blooded Horror: Winter 2011 preview
All of the new horror films to looks out for this Fall and Winter.
Fright Night 3D: Stake Thy Neighbor
One of the best remakes in a long time, Fright Night was both visually impressive and filled with blood and action at the same time. Read the full review right here!
Shadows of the Damned
This Summer's brand new horror survival game takes you on a trip to hell and have you never wanting to come back!
Super 8: Cloverfield Takes Ohio
JJ Abrams and Spielberg's latest alien film was one of the most anticipated films of the year. But does it live up to the hype?
The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence denied a U.K. release
And so the hype for this sequel to The Human Centipede: First Sequence begins with this U.K. ban
A Slasher Theater Editorial: What does it mean to be a horror fan?
What makes a horror fan stand out from the average movie-goer?
Insidious: Give em hell, kid
Like I said in my original preview for this film, I had faith in James Wan. I loved the original Saw, and Dead Silence wasn’t too bad either. He’s a young film maker with a ton of talent and a lot to offer, and James Wan put it all on the table with his newest film; Insidious.
Priest 3D: Let there be vampires!
A 3D movie that doesn't suck in 3D? Is it possible? I think so, and it's name is Priest.
Horror Remakes: The Good, the Bad, and the Terrible
Over the past 5 years, the horror genre has been dominated by remakes and reboots of classic films. To some people, the newer films are the only ones they've seen. So are these remakes helping the genre or destroying it?
Fright-Rags: An Exclusive Slasher Theater Interview
If you didn't read the review, Fright-Rags is a company that releases horror-themed t-shirts with original designs. These shirts include designs incorporating Stephen King novels, Silent Night, Deadly Night, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, C.H.U.D., Dark Night of the Scarecrow and a ton of other vintage horror films.Well, this week I was able to talk with Fright-Rags founder, Ben Scrivens about how Fright-Rags and his love for horror came to be.
Attention Readers!

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark is pushed back two weeks

Chromeskull: Laid to Rest 2 gets release date

Rob Zombie's The Lords of Salem Update: Location, location, location!


Vintage Horror Review: Killers Klowns from Outer Space (1988)

Insidious: Give ‘em hell, kid

'Scream 4' on the cover of Entertainment Weekly

So-Bad-It's-Good (or is it!) of the Month!

- Why is he wearing a Brooklyn t-shirt if this movie is supposed to be in L.A.?
- Well that was the easiest home invasion in history.
- So long to that “positive message” from two seconds ago.
- See leprechaun, immediately empty entire clip of every gun on it
- Ice T has no emotions other than anger
- Ice T just shared a joint with the evil leprechaun….
- “A friend with weed is a friend indeed” Stoners are going to love that quote
- Why is no one more concerned with the existence of an evil leprechaun?
- A cross dresser? How is that even necessary to the story?
- What the hell kind of church is this?
- “All kidding aside, it’s time to die” That did not rhyme….
- They do realize that they’ll still go to jail if they kill Ice T, right?
- Rapist priest, and this time it isn’t little boys!
- That guy is too white for this movie
- “The crowd were impressed”
- Wait, what?
- So now he’s a pimp-leprechaun?
- I wonder how much they had to pay these girls to be half naked for this terrible movie
- Leprechauns for Dummies
- More cross dressing…did Ed Wood direct this?
- He looks like Janet Jackson
- He’s clearly not going to be okay
- That’s a crotch shot I didn’t need to see
- “you know da lep’ is the real OG”
- Wait…what?
The Evil Dead returns from the grave in the form of an iPod/iPad app

Glee creators Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuck take a stab at the horror genre with American Horror Story

Rob Zombie's The Lords of Salem begins shooting this April

Rubber: No reason, no reason at all

Hobo With a Shotgun: This year's "most quotable"?